The development of a successful circular economy will be essential for securing the sustainability of the retail industry
Building effective systems to improve and increase the collection, recycling, and reuse of waste materials will play an instrumental part in reducing carbon emissions in supply chains and minimising the environmental impact of the millions of goods sold to consumers.
In the coming years the industry will face extensive regulation to promote compliance and drive progress towards a circular economy. These schemes will involve significant resources and costs for your teams, suppliers, and business. The BRC will engage with government and work closely with you to ensure these schemes to reduce waste and recycle and reuse materials are as efficient and effective for retailers as possible.
The BRC works across four different spaces within the circular economy.
- Packaging: An Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging, a Deposit Return Scheme for single-use drinks containers, single-use plastics legislation, new recycling rules in England and reuse and refill schemes comprise the extensive regulations on packaging entering into force over the coming years. To find out more, contact Naomi Brandon-Bravo.
- Electronics: Future schemes for Waste Electricals and Electronics (WEEE), and batteries are expected to impact retailers in the coming years. To find out more, contact Naomi Brandon-Bravo.
- Textiles & Furniture: Improving the circularity of our clothing, home textiles, and furniture is key to reducing waste, as well as the business models needed to deliver circularity. To find out more, contact Sophie De Salis.
- Food: Reducing the levels of food waste produced by our operations and consumers is essential to promoting circularity and minimising waste. To find out more, contact Sophie De Salis.
Circular Economy Content
Development of the DRS DMO
Resources and Waste Update Aug 24
Scottish Single Use Beverage Charge
Update on Resources and Waste Programme July 2024
Reducing Waste
Recycling in Northern Ireland: consultation on recycling rules for businesses and households
BRC CSR: Update on the EU packaging reform
Food surplus at farm gate
BRC members meeting on DRS: Slides and notes
Learn more about Open 3P | Open Standard for Packaging
Packaging EPR: compliance deadline for packaging data reporting is fast approaching
Packaging EPR: Recyclability Labelling update
Packaging EPR: Draft EPR Regulations and latest announcements
DRS: your latest briefing (1)
DRS: Key policy takeaways from the latest announcement
DRS: your latest briefing
BRC's Governing Principles for a UK Textile EPR
Reuse & Refill packaging: members update
UK Government confirms ban on the supply and sale of plastic wet wipes
BRC Meeting on next steps for a Textile EPR
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