Retail offers employment and career progression opportunities for people from all walks of life.

The ability to upskill and retrain the workforce is critical not only for future success but also for creating better jobs, boosting productivity, and supporting economic growth.

Retailers need the right environment and tools to train your workforce for the jobs of today, and the jobs of tomorrow. Essential skills are evolving and becoming more dynamic, no longer confined to specific functions or teams. There is a growing demand for agility, digital and analytical skills driven by new technologies and new skills as the economy transitions to greener practices.

The industry is committed to investing in lifelong learning, apprenticeships, and upskilling. A robust and stable skills and apprenticeship framework is vital to enable employers to access the skilled workers you need and to support your efforts in training and upskilling employees.

By ensuring a collaborative relationship and supportive government policies and providing leadership training on the topics, agility and resilience needed to lead in the retail environment today and in the future through BRC Learning, the industry can offer new, higher-skilled, and more productive jobs.

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Our communities are exclusively for our members. Joining is easier and cheaper than you might think. We have 3 types of membership: Retailer, Associate and Trade Association.