The retail industry is highly competitive, with clear benefits for customers, colleagues and UK plc.

Alongside governments (both in Westminster, across the Devolved Nations and of our trading partners in other countries), there are multiple regulators who impact the competitive landscape in which you operate, your relationship with your customers and on your business processes and operations.

Good regulation requires a co-operative approach to creation (to avoid unintended consequences) and to enforcement, recognising that reputable businesses are more motivated by a desire to comply with the law and preserve their reputation than the potential for large fines.

Once in place, regular engagement between regulators and businesses on issues of concern and opportunities for clarity on what the law requires helps ensure that retailers remain compliant and regulators do not impose conditions that are poorly designed, disproportionate or go beyond the law (eg through Guidance or undertakings that are not clear as to whether they are voluntary rather than legal requirements).

Helping our members engage effectively with such regulators, navigate the areas that impact your customers, and ensuring the industry remains as competitive as ever, is what we do.

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