The regulatory, economic and geopolitical environment continues to shift.
And how people shop continues to evolve across different retail channels: shops, online and through social media networks and platforms.
In anticipation and response, retailers continue to invest in new technologies transforming customer experiences, businesses models and optimising business processes.
While the industry is highly competitive and fast moving, often consumer regulation is slow, inappropriate in its response, poorly designed or its enforcement by regulators ineffective, or inadequate.
We work to ensure retail remains competitive and government policy is competitive and pro-growth. The fiscal landscape and taxes, as well as a high cost of doing business, weigh on the investment retailers want to make which impacts economic growth. We frequently see input cost inflation and a burden from public policy costs and uncoordinated treatment of the industry by policy makers and regulators.
Helping you understand the external environment and shape the regulatory balance between privacy, innovation, enforcement of consumer and other policies for competitive market for consumers
Digital Transformation
Working with you to go further, faster to maximise opportunities of digital transformation, while mitigating risks
Influencing government thinking to create the right environment to enable you to invest in communities, technology and people