The consultation, led by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is seeking views on government proposals to extend the current UK REACH submission deadlines for transitional registrations.
The UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation is one of the main pieces of legislation for the regulation of chemicals in Great Britain. It established the UK REACH regime (UK REACH), which regulates the use of substances in Great Britain as EU REACH continues to apply in Northern Ireland.
UK REACH requires substances that are manufactured in or imported into, GB to be registered with the Agency for UK REACH (the Health and Safety Executive ((HSE)). Registrations include information on the hazards, uses and exposure of the substance. Registration information is used by HSE for regulatory purposes and by the registrants to identify appropriate risk management measures for themselves and other users down the supply chain.
The retail industry welcomes any measures that reduce costs, and administrative burdens on retailers, whilst retaining high levels of product safety. The proposed changes to UK REACH Submission deadlines have been received positively by retailers, even though many retailers do not manufacture or import chemicals. However, reduced burdens for those ‘higher-up’ in the supply chain (i.e. manufacturers and importers) will mean lower costs for retailers, and ultimately the end consumer.